Telegraph Fire Smoke Forecast 6/18/2021

The Telegraph Fire is now approximately 176,000 acres. The fire continued to be active on the east/southeast side and produced light smoke, which rose and dispersed toward the west/northwest. Light smoke was noted moving over portions of the Phoenix Valley, and Queen Valley with light to moderate smoke impacts in Superior yesterday (Thursday).

Smoke Synopsis

Lighter smoke production is expected today; however, winds are forecast to slowly shift from east/southeast to west/southwest starting this afternoon. Smoke is still forecast to rise and disperse toward the west/northwest, with Queen Valley, Hayden, Florence, and the Phoenix Valley expected to see light smoke impacts during the first half of today (Friday). Also, Superior is still looking to get light to moderate impacts due to proximity to the fire. As the wind begins to transition, the light impact locations stated above should begin to clear out. Following the wind shift San Carlos could experience light smoke impacts overhead, and Safford could experience light to moderate smoke due to the combination of the Pinnacle and Telegraph fire.

Although possibilities are less likely than previous days this week, high-based (dry) thunderstorms could form near/over the region. As a result, strong gusty outflow winds could happen this afternoon. These winds would lead to smoke moving in any direction and cause brief but moderate to high smoke impacts to locations around the fire.

Tomorrow, we’ll continue to experience the transitioning of winds (east/southeast to west/southwest). Smoke is forecast to disperse toward the northwest in the morning hours and then shift to dispersing towards the east/northeast by the afternoon/evening.

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