Acres: 1,714 Start Date: 07/08/24
Location: 20 miles NE of Payson, AZ Personnel: 76
Containment: 0% Fuels: Timber
Resources: 1 Initial Attack Crew | 4 Engines | 4 helicopters | 1 Water Tender | 5 Dozers
Highlights: At 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 10, Southwest Area Team 1 assumed command of the Pius Fire. This is full suppression fire; the incident management team will use both direct and in-direct tactics to support the suppression efforts. Resources on scene include hand crews, engines, heavy equipment and both fixed and rotor wing aircraft.
Fire Activity: Initial attack resources remained on the fire overnight, working to establish containment lines around values at risk. Firefighters and equipment continue to construct fire line today and will be using back firing operations where necessary to support containment efforts. Aerial resources will continue to be utilized to both monitor fire growth as well as support ground operations through water drops. High winds and heavy fuel in the fire area will continue to contribute to fire growth. Key values at risk including private inholdings, popular recreation areas, and power infrastructure are areas firefighters will focus efforts during today’s operations.
Weather: Hot and dry conditions are expected to continue with high temperatures in the 90s and winds northwest at 10-15 mph.
Smoke: Smoke is expected to impact the communities of Christoper Creek, Payson, Young, Forest Lakes, Heber-Overgaard, and Highway 260. For updates on smoke conditions in your local area visit
Closures/ Evacuations: The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office has issued a ‘SET’ notice for the immediate area around Knoll Lake and the associated campground. A ‘GO’ notice, evacuate immediately, has been issued for Bear Canyon Lake including areas north of Forest Road 300, east of Forest Road 115, south of Forest Road 225, and west of Forest Road 34. To find more information about current evacuations please visit the Coconino County Emergency Management website.
More Information:
Fire Information: 928-216-3127 Email: