September 30, 2024
Whiteriver, AZ – The Bureau of Indian Affairs Fort Apache Agency Fire Management in
coordination with the White Mountain Apache Tribe, plans to conduct prescribed burns in multiple units this fall and winter. A total of 26 burn units on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation are targeted for treated by either pile burning or broadcast burning totaling 40,100 acres.
Prescribed fire is an important tool for reducing unnatural vegetation fuel loading and restoring natural fire regimes, helping communities live more safely with fire. The late fall prescribed burning conditions are designed to have low to moderate fire intensity, which produces beneficial post-fire effects.
Prescribed burning activities depend on the availability of fire personnel, weather conditions, fuel moisture levels and smoke management. Location and timing of burns will be identified on a weekly basis. Prescribed Fire personnel will conduct prescribed fire activities during the safest possible “burn windows” in the coming months. The tentative start date for prescribed burning is on Monday, October 7, 2024, contingent upon favorable conditions. The next news release will be released two days prior to treatment with exact location.
Forest visitors are reminded to drive with care while traveling in the vicinity of prescribed burn units as firefighters and fire-related traffic will be in the area.
If you have any questions regarding our upcoming prescribed burning efforts, you can call Candy Lupe, Public Information Officer at (928) 205-5752 or you can log onto BIA Fort Apache Fort Apache Agency’s Facebook page,