SPRINGERVILLE, Ariz. – January 31, 2024 – Fire managers on the Lakeside Ranger District plan to continue prescribed fire operations on the Cabin unit slash piles. The project area is approximately 40 acres and is expected to be completed either today or tomorrow. Piles are composed of timber slash created from thinning projects or wildfire suppression activities and are treated to reduce hazardous fuel accumulations. Prescribed fire operations are contingent on multiple factors, including favorable weather conditions, air quality, and resource availability.
The Cabin project area is located 2 miles northeast of Lakeside, AZ. The project boundary is the Osprey Connector Trail, Forest Road (FR) 9712C, and FR 45. Fire crews will patrol the burn area each day until there is no threat of fire movement.
The objective for these prescribed fires is to reduce hazardous fuel accumulations and minimize the risk of high-severity wildfires, aligning with the Forest Service’s Wildfire Crisis Strategy.
Smoke impacts are expected to be minimal and may be visible from Highways 60, 77, and 260. Travelers are advised to use extra caution when driving in the vicinity during project implementation.
Air quality information is available at https://www.airnow.gov/. Visit the A-S National Forests website and follow us on Facebook and X (Twitter).