October 31, 2023
Whiteriver, AZ – The Bureau of Indian Affairs Fort Apache Agency Fire Management in coordination with the White Mountain Apache Tribe are planning to conduct prescribed burning within the Turkey Creek Burn Unit on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. If conditions are favorable, active ignitions will continue for several days.
The Turkey Creek burn unit is located about 8 miles southeast of Whiteriver. A total of 2,548 acres are targeted to be treated. This burn unit is burned on a recurring rotation to best mimic the natural fire return interval and restore natural fire intensities. Reducing fuel loading will decrease future wildland fire intensity and severity, lowering the risk of negative impacts to ecosystems and cultural resources that can result from uncharacteristically severe wildfires.
Prescribed burning activity is dependent upon the availability of fire personnel, weather conditions, fuel moisture levels and smoke management. Fire personnel are scouting other potential burn units in the upcoming weeks to identify which areas they will begin treatment.
Smoke will be visible throughout the day of the burn, mostly during the warmest part of the day. Smoke may linger and accumulate in low-lying areas as night time temperatures cool.
If you have any questions regarding our upcoming prescribed burning efforts, you can call Candy Lupe, Public Information Officer at (928) 338-5425 or you can log onto BIA Fort Apache Fort Apache Agency’s Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/BIAFAAFireMgt.